Dear colleagues!
We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to become a member of the Institute Sexocorporel International – Jean-Yves Desjardins.
The Institute’s mission is to support clinical sexology, training and research in the Sexocorporel approach.
Membership brings you several advantages:
- You will receive professional recognition at international level through iSi accreditation according to your membership category.
- You belong to the official group of Sexocorporel professionals.
- You can maintain contact with colleagues from over 6 countries.
- As a full member you benefit from an international advertising platform by listing your name on the website
- You will receive invitations to all iSi training events at a reduced entrance fee.
- You benefit from a free subscription to the iSi’s magazine “Santé sexuelle” (also available in German / English) and can keep up to date on developments at Sexocorporel and the Institute.
We are proud to be part of a great, dynamic team and we hope to count you among us!
With kind regards
The Management Committee
There are different types of membership (see also membership rules):
- Certified member
- (Associate) Member
- Student member (1st-3rd training session)
- Sympathizing member
- Honorary member
To become a member please register online using this form:
- 150 Euros for full members (Clinical sexologist iSi)
- 90 Euros for associate members (1st round completed)
- 30 Euros for student members (contributions of the participants of the 1st round are paid by the training institute!)
- 60 Euros for sympathizing members
You can pay the annual fee by bank transfer to the following iSi accounts.
All payments in Euro can be made to the following account
Domiciliation of the bank : BPLC Agence: Épinal Images (00801)
Bank code: 14707
Account number : 00819085606
Code guichet: 00801
Key of the bank account certification (RIB) : 55
IBAN: FR 76 1470 7008 0100 8190 8560 655
Members from Switzerland please transfer to the following account.
Beneficiary: Institute Sexocorporel International or iSi
Name of the bank: Banque Raiffeisen Sion et Région
Bank address: Agence Ayent, Route de Botyre 50, 1966 Ayent
IBAN: CH83 8080 8002 6231 1606 6
Please understand that iSi cannot accept any fees for foreign currencies and bank transfers.