At each training level (basic course, advanced course and certification course), the theoretical content is based on the same programme below.
Module 1: Acquisition of knowledge and personal physiological sexual skills
- Theoretical foundations of the components of human sexuality from an integrative, developmental and interactive perspective.
- Overview of the model of sexual functionality (sexual health).
- Presentation of sexocorporel relates the model of sexual functionality.
Sexual health and physiological basis, the sexual arousal function:
- Modes, sources and characteristics of male and female sexual arousal function, sexualization process.
Introduction to basic physical abilities and integrated skills in sexocorporel:
- Basic skills: Based on the laws of the body: rhythm, muscle tension, space, movement, breathing, centering, posture, gait.
- Integrated skills: Fluidity, double swing, release, orgasmic discharge.
Introduction to modelling:
- Reading body language, body as a mirror.
Module 2: Acquisition of knowledge and personal sexodynamic and relationship skills
Sexual functionality and sexodynamic programming.
Introduction to basic and integrated erotic skills:
- Introduction to the development of basic erotic skills: Lustfulness, increase in arousal, letting go, emotional discharge or orgasm.
- Introduction to integrated erotic skills and their integration into sex dynamics (sense of gender, sexual intrusiveness and receptivity): sexual desire, erotic fantasies, sexual attraction codes, sexual intensity, sexual confidence, erotic seduction, communication and actions.
Cognitive abilities:
- Acquisition of basic scientific knowledge (sexual development, sexual functionality, etc.).
- Acquisition of knowledge for the identification of different systems of thought and ideologies about human sexuality including its strengths and limitations.
Module 3: Clinical training part 1
- The sexological evaluation.
- Reading the body language (body mirror) and what it tells us about the sex dynamics of the person.
- Evaluation of the sexodynamics.
- Evaluation of the sexual arousal function: forms, sexual arousal modes, intrapsychic integration.
- Models of sexological treatment in: premature ejaculation, premature ejaculation, female anorgasmia and anorgastia, coital anorgasmia.
- Deep reading of body language in sexocorporel.
Module 4: Clinical training part 2
- Prognosis based on evaluation and treatment planning.
- Models of sexological treatment in primary and secondary erectile dysfunction, disorders of sexual desire and coital sexual desire in men and women, anejaculation, phobic vaginism and vaginism in identity problems, disorders of seduction (relationship skills).
- Therapeutic techniques in sexocorporel, clinical case studies.
- In-depth reading of body language in sexocorporel
Module 5: Clinical Training Part 3
- Theoretical and sexoclinical reformulation.
- Disorders of the sense of gender: ambivalence, ambiguity (men with feminoid, women with masculinoid components in the stereotypes of clothing, gestures, voice, etc.) up to inversion (transsexuality)
- Problems with limited sexual attraction codes: egodystone homosexuality, transvestism, fetishism, pedophilia, exhibitionism, dominance and submission, sadomasochism, etc.
- Deepened reading of body language in Sexocorporel.
Module 6: Clinical Training Part 4
- Theoretical and sexological correction.
- Disorders associated with sexual compulsivity: compulsive pedophilia, sexual insatiability, Don Juanism, pornomania, erotomania, romanticism.
- Related treatments: sexual violence, uncontrollable anger, bulimia, (evaluation and sexocorporel treatment protocols).
- Deep reading of body language in sexocorporel.
- Repetition of concepts, consolidations, clinical questions.
Module 7: Autoevaluation
- Deepening of theoretical and sexological knowledge.
- Personal and professional self-evaluation.